Postseason Banquet

We will hold our postseason high school boys swim banquet on Monday March 18th at 6PM in the Junior High Cafeteria. We will recognize all team members with varsity letters, recognition certificates, academic awards, team awards, and shirts for those making the SEP Top 20 or Fast 5 for the first time. Afterwards, those who wish to put their own records up on the Fast 5 Board can join us at the high school to do so.

This will be a potluck event where we’ll need tableware, drinks, main dishes and sides/or desserts for approximately 75 people. In an attempt to not have multiple of the same thing we ask if the following grade levels could bring these items please:

  • Seniors: Tableware (cups, plates, napkins, utensils)
  • Juniors: Main Dishes (pizza, pasta, anything easy to make)
  • Sophomores: Sides/or Desserts (pasta salads, cookies, oreo fluff, brownies, etc)
  • Freshmen: Drinks (Water, soda, sports drinks, etc)

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